

A set of filtering options used for searching tickets.


Name Type Nullable? Summary
TicketClassification TeamDynamix.Api.Tickets.TicketClass[] This field is nullable. The ticket classifications to filter on. Use Ticket to perform no classification filtering.
MaxResults Int32 The maximum number of results to return.
TicketID Int32 This field is nullable. The ticket ID to filter on.
ParentTicketID Int32 This field is nullable. The parent ticket ID to filter on.
SearchText String This field is nullable. The search text to filter on.
FormIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The form IDs to filter on.
StatusIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The status IDs to filter on.
PastStatusIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The historical status IDs to filter on.
StatusClassIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The status class IDs to filter on.
PriorityIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The priority IDs to filter on.
UrgencyIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The urgency IDs to filter on.
ImpactIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The impact IDs to filter on.
AccountIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The account/department IDs to filter on.
TypeIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The ticket type IDs to filter on.
SourceIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The source IDs to filter on.
UpdatedDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum updated date to filter on.
UpdatedDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum updated date to filter on.
UpdatedByUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the updating user to filter on.
ModifiedDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum last modified date to filter on.
ModifiedDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum last modified date to filter on.
ModifiedByUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the last modifying user to filter on.
StartDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum start date to filter on.
StartDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum start date to filter on.
EndDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum end date to filter on.
EndDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum end date to filter on.
RespondedDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum responded date to filter on.
RespondedDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum responded date to filter on.
RespondedByUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the responding user to filter on.
ClosedDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum closed date to filter on.
ClosedDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum closed date to filter on.
ClosedByUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the closing person to filter on.
RespondByDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum SLA "Respond By" deadline to filter on.
RespondByDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum SLA "Respond By" deadline to filter on.
CloseByDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum SLA "Resolve By" deadline to filter on.
CloseByDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum SLA "Resolve By" deadline to filter on.
CreatedDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum created date to filter on.
CreatedDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum created date to filter on.
CreatedByUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the creating user to filter on.
DaysOldFrom Int32 This field is nullable. The minimum age to filter on.
DaysOldTo Int32 This field is nullable. The maximum age to filter on.
ResponsibilityUids Guid[] This field is nullable. The UIDs of the responsible users to filter on.
ResponsibilityGroupIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The IDs of the responsible groups to filter on.
CompletedTaskResponsibilityFilter Boolean This field is nullable. The filter to use for TeamDynamix.Api.Tickets.TicketSearch.ResponsibilityUids and TeamDynamix.Api.Tickets.TicketSearch.ResponsibilityGroupIDs with regards to ticket tasks.
PrimaryResponsibilityUids Guid[] This field is nullable. The UIDs of the primarily-responsible users to filter on.
PrimaryResponsibilityGroupIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The IDs of the primarily-responsible groups to filter on.
SlaIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The SLA IDs to filter on.
SlaViolationStatus Boolean This field is nullable. The SLA violation status to filter on.
SlaUnmetConstraints TeamDynamix.Api.Tickets.UnmetConstraintSearchType The unmet SLA deadlines to filter on.
KBArticleIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated Knowledge Base article IDs to filter on.
AssignmentStatus Boolean This field is nullable. The assignment status to filter on.
ConvertedToTask Boolean This field is nullable. The task conversion status to filter on.
ReviewerUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the reviewing user to filter on.
RequestorUids Guid[] This field is nullable. The requestor UIDs to filter on.
RequestorNameSearch String This field is nullable. The text to perform a LIKE search on the requestor's full name.
RequestorEmailSearch String This field is nullable. The text to perform a LIKE search on the requestor's email address.
RequestorPhoneSearch String This field is nullable. The text to perform a LIKE search on the requestor's phone number.
ConfigurationItemIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The IDs of the associated configuration items to filter on. To be included in the search results, a ticket must be associated with one or more of the listed CIs.
ExcludeConfigurationItemIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The IDs of the associated CIs to exclude on. To be included in the search results, a ticket must NOT be associated with any of the listed CIs.
IsOnHold Boolean This field is nullable. The "On Hold" status to filter on.
GoesOffHoldFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum "Goes Off Hold" date to filter on.
GoesOffHoldTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum "Goes Off Hold" date to filter on.
LocationIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated location IDs to filter on.
LocationRoomIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated location room IDs to filter on.
ServiceIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated service IDs to filter on.
CustomAttributes TeamDynamix.Api.CustomAttributes.CustomAttribute[] This field is nullable. The associated custom attributes to filter on.
HasReferenceCode Boolean This field is nullable. Whether the returned tickets should have a reference code.